
已创建电子邮件 741776 收到的消息 506300

忘掉垃圾邮件、广告邮件、黑客攻击和攻击机器人吧。保持您真实邮箱的清洁和安全。 Temp Mail 提供临时、安全、匿名、免费、一次性的电子邮件地址。


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What is a Disposable Email?
Temporary mail, it is a temporary mailbox that accepts emails. Temporary mail is also known as disposable email, fake mail, disposable email.

Tempmail is a shortened and combined usage for the words temporary and mail. Email addresses are one of the most asked information when registering a website, filling a form, applying for something, or even playing games. Sharing permanent email address information may sometimes seed hundreds of unwanted advertisements and spam emails in the following days. Temporary email addresses come into play just at this moment. Users do not have to get upset with tens of spam or advertisement mails daily, and they do not have to spend time clearing hundreds of unwanted emails every week. Since temporary email addresses do not serve after an hour, any possible unwanted emails do not disturb users. Disposable email addresses by Temp mail provide anonymous correspondence and file transfers between users. Hackers can hack permanent email addresses and steal sensitive information stored in the mail addresses easily. However, an hour-long life for an email address is quite safe for information sharing. The temporary email service also provides a ten-minute lasting email service for more sensitive data sharing.



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